April 19, 2024

Save Energy! Stickers Available

Perhaps you’ve noticed one in the communal office kitchen.  Maybe you’ve noticed one in the copy room.  Have you noticed one in a classroom where you teach?  Hopefully this week students began to notice them when returning to their residence halls.

Wherever you may be on campus, there will always be an opportunity to make an effort to save energy and reduce waste.  The President’s Council on Sustainability (PCS), with the approval of the Vice President for Administration & Finance as well as the Director of Safety and Police Chief Hall, recently had Save Energy! Turn Off Lights After Use stickers created in a concerted effort to decrease the amount of wasted energy on campus when lights are kept on in unoccupied areas.

If you know of an area that you think may benefit from having one of these stickers, please contact Kevin Caffrey (kcaffrey@umw.edu).  As a campus community committed to creating a sustainable future, we must all do our part to save energy and reduce waste.