September 11, 2024

Fall Employee Luncheon Brings Faculty and Staff Together

UMW faculty and staff gathered for the annual Fall Employee Luncheon on Tuesday, October 18. After a meal in the Great Hall, faculty and staff members heard from the Staff Advisory Council (S.A.C.), University Relations and President Richard V. Hurley. In between speakers, the President and Rose Hurley drew names for the raffle items provided by the President’s Office.

Charles E. Tate, assistant dean of admissions and president of S.A.C., spoke about the recent programs on which the council has focused, including the Excellent Eagle parking spot, new employee orientation and appointments to university committees.  More information about S.A.C. is available at

In an update on the university’s branding initiative, Anna Billingsley, acting associate vice president of university relations and communications, explained the tagline, “where great minds get to work,” and gave a sneak peek at new print and online advertisements.

The luncheon ended with updates from President Hurley on construction projects, institutional initiatives and the budget. Notably, he announced that the university will close a day and a half earlier in December than previously scheduled, making the first day of the winter holiday Wednesday, December 21. In addition, he said the university will reinstitute the gift card program this fall.

The Fall Luncheon is held annually for all faculty and staff.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.