September 12, 2024

Red Flag Campaign Raises Awareness of Dating Violence

Red flags throughout campus remind students to speak up about domestic violence. Photo courtesy of The Bullet

The Red Flag Campaign, an effort to bring an awareness of dating violence to college campuses, began at the University of Mary Washington’s Fredericksburg campus on Monday, Oct. 8 and will continue through Friday, Oct.12. The student-run campaign, which encourages students to “say something” if they see signs of dating violence, has been held at UMW for the past six years.

The campaign’s central feature is a poster series depicting situations in which students should say something if they see a “red flag” in a relationship of a friend, acquaintance, neighbor or even in their own relationships. Students will place the posters and red flags throughout the campus. The university’s Counseling and Psychological Services Center, the Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault and Empowerhouse will have tables on campus throughout the week to make students aware of the services they provide. The UMW chapter of Student Anti-Violence Educators or SAVE, coordinates the campaign in conjunction with UMW’s Office of Judicial Affairs.

“The goal of the week is to ensure students know that they have the ability and the responsibility to say something if they see signs of dating violence in their relationships or in the relationships of others,” said senior Meagan Holbrook, president of SAVE. “To understand that you have that capacity is a powerful thing.”

The Red Flag Campaign is held at college campuses across the country. UMW has participated since the beginning of the campaign and has been chosen to be a partner school for the past several years because of its strong work on the campaign.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.