September 7, 2024

Updates to EagleEye: Changes to the Submission Process

After several days of site maintenance and updates, EagleEye is back up and running. And it’s easier than ever to post information. All you need to do is fill out the one-step form found at Since EagleEye now exists as part of the UMW website rather than UMW Blogs, you won’t need any EagleEye-specific usernames or passwords you may have used in the past.

Your post will show as “pending” until it is reviewed. The newsletter will continue to go out to faculty and staff on Thursday afternoons, with the next issue this Thursday, May 23.

If you have any questions about EagleEye or if you experience issues with the new form, please contact Brynn BoyerCurtiss Grymala or Marty Morrison at (540) 654-1055.


About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.