The Chandler Ballroom was booming with energy for the University of Mary Washington’s annual Eagle Awards earlier this month.
Tiny gold stars glittered across the room, lights split the space into colorful slices and tabletop-thumping applause erupted throughout the ceremony. Seniors Aniya Stewart and Miranda Colbert hosted, pouring personality into a YouTube video-like presentation. But the show-stealers were the students, along with a few faculty and staff, recognized for their commitment to community service, citizenship, philanthropy, academic excellence and more.
“We are incredibly proud of you,” UMW President Troy Paino told the crowd, including many nominees and more than a dozen soon-to-be winners. “I like to think that those in this room are getting the most out of their Mary Washington experience. But I also can say that we’ve gotten a lot from you and your leadership. I’m so appreciative of what you’ve done for Mary Washington.”
The event – presented by the Office of Student Activities and Engagement (SAE), Center for Community Engagement and James Farmer Multicultural Center – took place on April 13 at UMW’s Cedric Rucker University Center.
Senior Maya Jenkins walked away with not one but two top prizes – the James Farmer Defining a Legacy Award and the Grace Mann Launch Award, both of which speak to her enduring quest for social justice. “Maya’s leading word when making change is ‘mobilization,’ ” a nominator wrote of her. Read more.