July 26, 2024

UMW Librarian Candidates to Visit

Campus visits have been scheduled for the four finalists being considered for the position of director of the UMW libraries. There will be two open forums for all faculty and staff for each candidate.

Open Forum, University Hall, North Building
4-5 PM, Aug. 30, Sept. 1, Sept. 7, Sept. 9

Open Forum, Lee Hall 411
2-3 PM, Aug. 31, Sept. 2, Sept. 8, Sept. 10

Each open forum will begin with a 5-minute presentation by the candidate followed by Q&A

The candidates and their visit dates are:

Ann Watson—Aug. 30-31
Frank Allen—Sept. 1-2
Bella Gerlich—Sept. 7-8
Rosemary Arneson—Sept. 9-10

After each visit, the committee will send an email to all faculty and staff with a link to a brief evaluation of the candidate. Please fill these out for the committee so that they can best represent your views.

The University Librarian Search Committee membership is as follows:
Jack Bales, Library, Simpson Library
Paul Boger, Library, Stafford Library
Galen DeGraff, College of Business
Donna Hudgins, Library, Simpson Library
Sarah Lowdon, Student Representative
Jeffrey McClurken, CAS, History and American Studies, Chair
Torre Meringolo, Advancement & University Relations
Nina Mikhalevsky, CAS, Classics, Philosophy, and Religion
Patrick Murrayjohn, Teaching & Learning Technologies
Beth Perkins, Library, Simpson Library
Tamie Pratt-Fartro, College of Education

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.