July 26, 2024

UMW Staff Advisory Council

Below is important information about UMW’s new Staff Advisory Council that seeks to strengthen employee awareness of mission-critical issues and foster positive morale by increasing communication throughout all levels of the institution.

Why a Staff Advisory Council?

  • Communication and synergy between staff, teaching faculty, and the University administration is critical in creating the best public liberal arts university in the nation.
  • Within the UMW Strategic Pla n are the seeds for the creation of a Council to share (communicate) the ideas, needs, and concerns of classified, wage, and administrative staff.
  • Recognizing the pivotal role that staff plays in the success of the University of Mary Washington, a task force was convened with the express intention of creating an elected representa tive body, where none had previously existed—the creation of a Staff Adviso ry Council (SAC).

What is the Staff Advisory Council?

  • An elected body of classified, wage, and administrative staff whose purpose is to promote collaboration a nd ensure open communication channels throughout all levels of the University.
  • An avenue for emplo yee input and feedback, a means of participating in the design, development, and implementation of University programs, projects, and services.
  • A means of strengthening employee awareness of critical issues and providing a valuable perspective for the University community and administration on matters of significant concer n to wage, classified, and administrative staff.

Who makes up the Council?

  • Thirty elected representatives and one ex-officio member:
    • fourteen representatives from Cabinet-level division
    • sixteen representatives of staff classifications (wage, classified, and administrative faculty)
    • one ex-officio member is appointed by the University President to serve as a liaison to the University Administration

The number from each division and each staff classification are proportional to the numbers of staff being represented.

  • Standing and ad hoc committees will be formed, including:
    • Activities Committee—plan, coordinate, manage special events to promote staff morale and University spirit
    • Communications Committee—create and maintain the Staff Advisory Council website and other communication channels
    • Election Committee—manage the election and orientation of members

HOW does the Council work for me?

  • Council members listen to and communicate the views of their constituency—your division and your job classification.
  • Members bring ideas and matters of importance and concern to the attention of the Council.
  • The council advises the President and senior leadership on matters that are important to staff.
  • All meetings are open to members of the UMW Community.


  • Nominate representatives from your division and job classification.
  • Vote in the election!
  • Consider serving if nominated.
  • Seek a council seat in the Council’s inaugural year and ensure a great start!

Let your representative (and thus the Council) know about your ideas, concerns, and thoughts.

Coming soon….

  • October 12:  Employee Recognition Luncheon, introduction of SAC
  • Presentations in division and departmental meetings–ongoing
  • October 13-20: Nominations of representatives
  • October 14: Drop by our SAC information table and find out more!
  1. Seacobeck 11:30-1:30
  2. Stafford Campus 3:00-3:30
  3. Facilities Services TBD
  • October 28—look for a SAC taskforce visit with goodies and information
  • October 25 – 29: Questions to Nominees
  • Week of November 1st:  Meet the Candidates
  • November 8 – 12:  Election
  • Eagle Eye will provide more detail and information as it develops…STAY TUNED

For more information, visit  sac.umwblogs.org.

About Marty Morrison