This year’s lecture, presented by Richard John, Professor in Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, is entitled: “James Monroe and the Communications Revolution in the Early Republic.” Professor John will speak on the epochal communications revolution that originated in the 1790s and accelerated during the presidential administration of James Monroe (1817-1825). He will analyze the main features of this revolution, with a focus on the newspaper press, the postal system, and the stagecoach business. The communications revolution in the early republic led to the creation of large inter-state associations, the mass party, and the nationwide market – three of most important institutions of the age.
Professor John’s lecture will be illustrated with contemporary images; it draws on his own extensive research on the history of communications in the United States.
The lecture – which will be held in the Great Hall in Woodard Campus Center – is free and open to the public. A reception will follow. Call x1043 with any questions.