White House Photo Archivist Janet Philips ’77 will give the lecture “Documenting the White House from the Wings” on Monday, March 28 from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. in Chandler Hall, Room 102. Her talk will include a slideshow presentation about personal experiences over the past 23 years at the White House. The talk is free and open to the public. For more information, call (540) 654-1341 or maminraz@umw.edu.
A religion major at Mary Washington, Philips worked as photo librarian at the Washington Post from 1978 to 1987 and later at U.S. News and World Report. She earned a Master of Science in library science from Catholic University in 1988. That year, she joined the White House staff as photo archivist and has worked there since.
Following her lecture, Philips will participate in a Career Afternoon event in the Department of Classics, Philosophy and Religion in Trinkle Hall. Other participants will be P.G. Katsourakis, ’07, analyst with GeoData Corp., and Patrick Shepherd, ’04, who works in the public sector in ethics, compliance and continuing education.
The Philips lecture and the Career Afternoon are sponsored by the Department of Classics, Philosophy and Religion.