Research and Creativity Day was a special occasion for Mr. Larry Valade of Stafford County. He met with students to learn about their research on “Enzyme immunoassay detection of heat shock proteins in the Tufted Titmouse: A new tool for evaluating chronic stress in birds.” Mr. Valade, a huge supporter of UMW, donated the 20 acre property upon which the research was conducted to be used as a small nature preserve and study area for UMW’s biology program. The land is in an easement that prevents any future development. Valade, and his late wife Thyra, made the gift to UMW based on their love of nature, devotion to bird watching, and support for higher education. In addition to the land donation, Mr. Valade and his family established a Foundation account in his wife’s name to support the project with those donations being used to purchase laboratory equipment and supplies.
The students and their mentors are joined by Mr. Larry Valade in this photo during Research and Creativity Day. Left to right: Dr. Deborah O’Dell, Katherine Morris, Mr. Valade, Ellen Bikowski, Louis Kartoudi and Dr. Andrew Dolby