Did you know…
- If you take no action during Open Enrollment, you will remain in the same health plan, membership, or waived status and will not have a Flexible Reimbursement Account.
- You can save out-of-pocket health care and/or child and elder care costs by enrolling in a Flexible Reimbursement Account.
- You must enroll in a Flexible Reimbursement Account each plan year; Flex Accounts do not automatically roll over.
- You may now cover eligible dependent children through the end of the year in which they turn age 26.
- If your eligible child is on extended coverage, he/she will not automatically be enrolled in your health plan. You must add your child during Open Enrollment.
- Many of the rules related to dependent eligibility no longer apply?
For additional information and to make your benefits elections, please visit the Open Enrollment website (http://www.umw.edu/hr/benefits/open_enrollment1111111.php). If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Tammy Prailey in the Office of Human Resources at 654-1215 or tprailey@umw.edu.