Charles J. Shields, associate director of the Chappell Great Lives Lecture Series, has contributed an article titled, “If Jesus Did Stand-Up: The Comic Parables of Kurt Vonnegut” to the quarterly journal, Studies in American Humor, for the fall issue.
Also, Shields will present at two conferences in late May: first, at Biographers International Organization (BIO), May 18-21 in Los Angeles, he will appear on a panel, “Ex-Wives, Angry Children, and Other Delicate Relationships,” about working with the relatives of a biographical subject. He will also teach a workshop on literary biography with Tracy Daugherty, author of “Just One Catch: A Biography of Joseph Heller.” Later that week, on May 26, he will appear the panel, “Kurt Vonnegut and Biography” at the American Literature Association conference in San Francisco.