September 12, 2024

This Weekend Marks UMW’s 101st Commencement

Chad Murphy was awarded the Mary Pinschmidt Award during the 2011 Commencement ceremony

For more than 1,000 University of Mary Washington students, this weekend marks the culmination of countless classes and years of hard work, and the transition to life as alumni.

The 101st undergraduate commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 12 beginning at 9 a.m. on Ball Circle. The ceremony will feature historian and economist Neil Howe’s address and the presentation of the university’s top honors and awards. The senior convocation ceremony on Friday, May 11 will celebrate the accomplishments of the senior class with a keynote speaker and senior awards.

Shawn Boyer, founder and CEO of, will deliver the address during the commencement ceremony for graduate students on Friday, May 11. The ceremony will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the William M. Anderson Center, followed by a reception in the Jepson Alumni Executive Center.

For more information, visit

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.