Brian Baker, executive director for entrepreneurship at the University of Mary Washington Center for Economic Development, was elected vice president of the Virginia Business Incubation Association (VBIA) at the July 10 Board of Director’s meeting. In that role Baker will head the communications committee and support the role of the president.
VBIA is beginning its 12th year of existence as Virginia’s leading organization dedicated to advancing incubator-based best practices in entrepreneurship and small business development. On July 1, the VBIA headquarters moved from Virginia Tech KnowledgeWorks to the UMW Center for Economic Development. The program will be managed by Baker and Heather Wheeler.
VBIA hosts an annual conference, regional roundtable workshops, a monthly newsletter, and a wealth of web-based publications in the members-only library. Membership is made up of individuals, educators and students, city and county executives, local and regional economic developers, chamber of commerce officials, public and private business assistance providers.