September 7, 2024

Faculty Workshop with Donald Asher

Please consider joining us for a faculty workshop focused on graduate school advising on Monday, Nov. 5 at 4 p.m. in the Woodard Campus Center, Red Room.  This 45-minute session is with Donald Asher, one of the nation’s foremost authorities on the graduate admissions process.  Asher is the author of the best-selling guide to getting into graduate school, “Graduate Admissions Essays” (4th ed., Ten Speed Press) and has twice being selected as keynote or featured speaker at NAGAP (National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals).

Topics will include:

  • Reasons your students are not selected when they should have been
  • Trends in funding
  • Career outcomes for Ph.D. students
  • Ranking systems (the good, the bad, the ugly)
  • What needs to be in that letter of recommendation
  • Ready-to-use handouts to make your advising easier
  • Q&A and solutions sharing between UMW faculty

Asher is an incredibly engaging presenter and is an internationally acclaimed author and speaker specializing in professional development and higher education. He is the author of 12 books (available in English, Chinese, Korean, and Portuguese), is a frequent guest on television and radio, and speaks at more than 100 venues annually.  You can learn more about Asher, his work, and publications at

Immediately following the workshop there will be a reception in the Red Room featuring wine, light hors d’oeuvres, and conversation.

Please RSVP to Amanda Kennedy ( if you plan to attend.

As part of Asher’s visit we will be doing a series of talks for student populations as well.  You will receive information concerning those and their intended target populations under separate cover.

— Fred A. Pierce III, Associate Provost, Enrollment Management and Student Services

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.