par·tic·i·pa·tion [pahr-tis-uh–pey-shuhn]
1. an act or instance of participating.
2. the fact of taking part, as in some action or attempt: participation in a celebration.
3. a sharing, as in benefits or profits: participation in a pension plan.
This week we all had the opportunity to participate in one of the most wonderful privileges we have as Americans. What a truly good feeling, that participation in something big and important. Have you considered participating in CVC? An important thing to remember about participation is this: Every.Little.Bit.Matters. That’s right. It’s not how much you participate, but that you do. Just like voting, your participation makes a difference. And with the holidays looming, you can make a gift on behalf of a friend or loved one AND make a difference. Thank you again for considering participation in UMW’s CVC 2012. Feel free to contact Lori Izykowski with any questions.