September 10, 2024

Nicole Crowder Presents Her Research at Symposium

Nicole Crowder

Nicole Crowder, assistant professor of chemistry, presented the results of her research at the 2nd Biennial Carbon Dioxide Symposium held at Princeton University on Nov. 9. The symposium was focused on the chemical reduction of carbon dioxide and featured leading experts in this area of research. Her presentation, entitled “Characterization and Quantitative Determination of Surface Loading of Phosphonate Monolayers on Copper for Electrocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide,” included the latest results from her research that aims to use carbon dioxide as a carbon feedstock material for the production of organic molecules or alternate fuels. Undergraduate research students Karmel James ’13, Eric Johnson ’14, and Sarah Almahdali ’11 were co-authors.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.