On Monday, March 18, President Richard V. Hurley and several faculty members spent several hours in “jail” on Campus Walk to raise money for Relay for Life. Hurley, along with Anand Rao, Dan Hubbard and Christina Eggenberger, participated in Relay for Life’s Jail and Bail event. The four sat in a makeshift “jail” until they posted “bail,” achieved through donations to Relay for Life. During the same afternoon, David Rettinger and Janet Asper volunteered to be “pied” in the face by fellow faculty members and students.
In all, the event raised more than $1,700. The event kicked off Relay for Life Awareness Week at UMW. The week will continue on Thursday, March 21 with a Luminaria Ceremony in front of Monroe Hall at 7:30 p.m. The ceremony will honor, celebrate and remember those affected by cancer. Luminaria bags will be available for $10 that you can decorate and dedicate to those you would like to honor.
On Friday, March 22, the Relay for Life Planning Committee encourages students, faculty and staff to wear purple to raise awareness for Relay for Life.
This year’s Relay for Life at UMW will start at 6 p.m. on April 6 and will continue through 7 a.m. on April 7. If you would like to sign up, please visit: http://main.acsevents.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/RFLCY13SA?pg=entry&fr_id=48740.
For more information, please contact Katie Sue Van Valkenburg, faculty relations chair of the Relay for Life Planning Committee, at