On March 22-23rd, Dr. Nicole Myers, Associate Professor of Education and five students from the College of Education participated in the 10th Annual Teachers of Promise (TOP) Institute in Richmond, VA. These students were selected by faculty for their promising potential in the field of education as demonstrated through their coursework and practicum experiences.
The weekend allowed TOP participants the opportunity to meet other future teachers from across the state, engage in workshops, connect with award-winning mentor teachers, and hear from various keynote speakers the ways in which they engage students in learning opportunities.
The event included a Gala Celebration at the Virginia Science Museum, a pinning and recognition ceremony, and exciting and motivating presentations. One UMW student, Laura Gomez, received a mini-grant to be used toward the purchase of classroom materials.
Congratulations to the five 2013 UMW Teachers of Promise: Laura Gomez, Alexandra Hanson, Georgia Karellas, Anne Roberts, and Michaela Sands. We are proud of your achievement within the program and look forward to the impact you will be making in the field as Teachers of Promise.