July 26, 2024

One Can Hope Campaign Continues to Support Feed Fred

We’ve helped to feed Fred another week! The Feed Fred representative left with 5 boxes, several bags, and two cases of Ensure (what a great idea) on Friday, Nov. 22.

I don’t know why I am still amazed at the generosity that pours out at each campaign, because UMW employees come through again and again, without fail.

Our One Can Hope campaign has definitely turned into a more-than-one can/bag/box of hope, and it really touches me to know that UMW has done its part to help prevent our area adults and children from being hungry week after week.  And even though slightly more labor-intensive, our new campaign format — donations going out every Friday — has helped Feed Fred tremendously with their efforts in feeding our area’s homeless and hungry individuals and families.

Thank you all again for your commitment and continuing work in this important undertaking.