September 8, 2024

Finance Projects Update

As the semester comes to a close, I wanted to share with you a new University wide project lead by the Finance team that will be here to greet you either at the start or during the fall semester.  Some of you may have heard of Kronos.  Kronos will bring the University forward to an automated solution of time recording and approval, leave requests and employee/supervisor reporting!  The project will kick off mid-May with an estimated go live in August 2014.

Some of benefits include:

  • Single sign on (no new passwords!)
  • Electronic entry of hours for students and wage employees, with routing to supervisors for review and approval
  • Employees (classified & administrative faculty) will submit leave requests electronically, which will route to their supervisor for review and approval
  • Supervisors have access to view all employee leave balances both current and projected
  • Integration with the EagleOne card for those departments that utilize time clocks

In addition, at the request of many for more detail on payroll postings, we have created a payroll detail report which will provide additional information to department budget managers.  Training on this report will start this summer during the budget managers training course.  Please view the Finance training calendar for information on the classes.

Finally, to ease the administrative and paper processing for students, we have been working on a new process for non-degree seeking students parking decals and streamlining the student refund process to encourage direct deposits to assist with the University’s sustainability efforts.

Please let me know if you have any questions and we will update as information becomes available.

Allyson P. Moerman, CPA.CITP, CGFM
Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540)654-1162 – fax