September 12, 2024

Banner Action Planning Engagement

UMW Staff,

As you know, Ellucian’s Banner application is an important component of UMW’s portfolio of technology tools. UMW has been using Banner since 2004, and many departments depend on it to run critical operational processes.

In an effort to ensure UMW is using Banner as efficiently and effectively as possible, we have asked Ellucian to conduct what they call an Action Planning engagement. The Action Planning engagement involves capturing feedback from faculty, staff, and students who use Banner, and then analyzing the feedback to create an action plan for improvements and enhancement to the Banner system going forward. This engagement is available to UMW at no cost under its existing contract with Ellucian.

To provide your feedback regarding Banner, please complete the anonymous survey at the following link:  Please complete the portions of the survey that are appropriate for your individual role on campus.  In most cases, completing the survey will take  approximately 10-15 minutes. Please be candid in your responses to this survey so that we can get the maximum benefit from the Action Planning process. I would appreciate if you would complete the survey as soon as possible, but no later than August 1, 1014.

Your candid participation in the online survey is critical to the success of this engagement.  I thank you in advance for your time and thoughtful participation as we work together to improve UMW’s use of our Banner system.

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Richard R. Pearce
Vice President for Administration and Finance and CFO
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA  22401
(540) 654-1020
(540) 654-1162 (fax)