September 8, 2024

MyTime Implementation Plan

The MyTime team is now ready to present to the UMW community the implementation plan for MyTime, UMW’s new time and attendance system. I ask that you share this plan with your direct reports to disseminate the information with all staff, convey the importance of immediate action, and take action yourself, if appropriate.

Due to the notable impact MyTime will have on campus wide operations and system interfaces, it will be rolled out in two phases. The dual-phased approach will allow our technology experts to work with our community on necessary computer upgrades, allow our core project team members to assess and assure all data integration components, and provide ample training opportunities for our staff (including student aides/employees).

• Phase 1 – Wage staff and student aides/employees along with their approving supervisors will begin using MyTime on Jan. 12, 2015. Training will start Dec. 8, 2014.

• Phase 2 – Full-time classified staff and Administrative Faculty along with their approving supervisors will begin using MyTime on Feb. 10, 2015. Training will begin mid-January 2015.

The successful implementation of MyTime is dependent upon full cooperation of all UMW staff members. The cooperation of supervisors in completing the tasks outlined below is vital. Note: It is highly likely that supervisors will be involved in both phases.

Task 1 – Ensure Staff and Supervisors Register for Training
Phase 1 staff (wage, students, and appropriate supervisors) will require “Observe and Learn” training. Based on the needs of a department, supervisors may opt to have one or more of their staff serve as “Go To Assist” (GTA) individuals, to attend training on behalf of your department and serve as department MyTime assistant(s). All Phase 1 staff must register for class (link shown below), even if training by the GTA is allowed by the supervisor. The registration is confirmation that each staff member acknowledges the changes in payroll procedures and agrees to attend training or be provided training by the GTA.

Due to the timing of the semester exam schedule, student registration is not mandatory; support and additional communications are being targeted toward our student aides/employees.

Task 2 – Create online Employee Work Schedule Templates
Phase 2 employees (full time classified, Administrative Faculty and part-time classified with benefits) require a work schedule within MyTime. Supervisors of employees who have work schedules that differ from Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a one hour lunch, must complete an online Employee Work Schedule Template immediately. The templates will provide a base point for the MyTime project team to build work schedules within the MyTime system.

Task 3 – Java Updates are necessary for Accessing MyTime
IT Support Services is analyzing university computer systems to determine the best course of action for Java and Browser updates, which are necessary for MyTime and taking a leading role in the update process. The Help Desk has identified all primary computers assigned to staff in Phase I that require this Java update, and have already begun reaching out to the users. Some individuals will be contacted directly, while others may be directed to install and update programs via web direction. Also, contact with all Banner INB users is being made to guide them through the update process as changes to Java can impact access to Banner INB. Once the Java update for the Phase I staff and Banner INB users has been completed, the Help Desk will start to reach out to the Phase 2 staff.

If your department has computers that are used by student aides/employees or for other tasks, and you need those computers to have access to MyTime, supervisors will need to ensure those computers are updated as part of this process by contacting the Help Desk. Computers in labs and classrooms have already been updated to the proper version of Java. This enables staff, including students, to have access to MyTime in the rare situations in which a computer is not or cannot be updated due to conflicts with specialized software. If you have yet to be contacted, expect to hear from Help Desk representatives in the near future; please be timely in response to their emails.

Specific instructions for the migration to MyTime are detailed on the MyTime to Prepare website. Below are the direct links to complete the following:

Useful information can be found at the MyTime website. I appreciate your promptness with communications and staff direction. While we are currently on target to start training, we are still in the final testing stages; if for any reason training must be delayed we will notify all registrants.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact Lilly Lee, Associate Payroll Manager or myself.


Allyson P. Moerman, CPA.CITP, CGFM, CGMA
Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
540-654-1168 – fax