July 26, 2024

President Hurley Is Taking the Two Dollar Challenge, Will You?

That’s right – our own president is taking the Two Dollar Challenge April 6-10 to raise awareness of global poverty. The question is – will you?

Hurley $2 ChallengeNow a national educational movement, the Two Dollar Challenge was founded at UMW in 2006 and is run by eight UMW students and Professor of Economics Shawn Humphrey – all on $50 and volunteer support.

The 5-day awareness program challenges college and high school students across the United States to live on just two dollars a day. Participants buy food, hygiene products and other necessities out of two dollars a day while following other rules designed to simulate obstacles faced by people living in poverty.

At UMW, students will spend the week living and sleeping in make-shift shelters built from cardboard boxes and tarps as part of an experiential learning experience.

So I have to sleep in a tent on Ball Circle?

Not at all. Start small with the beginner level – 3 days and 2 nights with $6 total to spend and you can sleep in your own bed and take hot showers in your own home.

Want to sign up or learn more?

  • Visit the challenge’s website at twodollarchallenge.org.
  • Come to an information session Thursday, March 19 at 5 p.m. in the ITCC’s Digital Auditorium.
  • Use #2DollarsADay to join the conversation on social media.