September 12, 2024

New Campaign Gifts

University Advancement announces Mary Washington First Campaign gifts and pledges:

  • A gift of $265,777 to endow a new student scholarship was received from the estate of an alumna of the Class of 1959.
  • A $9,886 grant was received from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund to enable UMW faculty to attend the 2015 Jessie Ball duPont Seminars.
  • More than $31,000 in gifts have come in to endow the Robert Ericson Environmental Research Fund.

The $50-million Mary Washington First Campaign began July 1, 2011, and went public April 26, 2014. As of May 15, 2015, Mary Washington alumni, parents, friends, faculty, staff, and businesses have committed nearly $40 million in gifts and pledges. The Campaign is scheduled to conclude June 30, 2016. Visit or call 540/654-1024 for more information.