Staff Advisory Council is pleased to recognize Rick Ware as the Excellent Eagle Employee for November. The award for this honor is a designated parking space for the month, but Rick doesn’t drive to work!
In nominating Rick, his champion Laura Needham wrote:
I believe Rick Ware is deserving of recognition as an Excellent Eagle. Rick has been with the Office of Financial Aid for five years, initially as the front line customer service representative and now for the past year as the student loan coordinator. He has the massive task of originating and disbursing thousands of students’ financial aid in conjunction with Student Accounts. With this incredible responsibility, Rick has learned vast amounts of information in a short amount of time, performs remarkably well under pressure and consistently gets the job done, all while providing excellent customer service. He is highly respectful and professional, but also maintains a sense of humor that we in Financial Aid truly couldn’t do without. Not many people across campus work with him, but HE is making the financial aid process happen, and we would like so much for him to receive recognition for his hard work.
Congratulate Rick when you see him, and remember to send nominations for Excellent Eagle Employee to Excellent Eagle Employee nominations
Way to go Rick!!! Congratulations to you!