September 8, 2024

Excellent Eagle Employee and Other SAC News

Staff Advisory Council Newsletter

The first Staff Advisory Council Newsletter should have hit your inbox yesterday! It will be sent to all staff monthly in hopes of keeping staff informed of University issues, events and plans that may impact staff and staff jobs.

Highlighting a couple of things from our newsletter:

Excellent Eagle Employee: April 2016
Congratulations to Dei Bayer as the Excellent Eagle Employee for April! The award for this honor is a designated parking space for the month.

In nominating Dei, her champion wrote: “Dei works tirelessly to keep the Talley Center running smoothly, functioning in multiple roles within this center. She is our office manager, meaning that she manages all purchasing, orders, coordinates travel, arranges trainings, makes arrangements for visiting professionals, and much more. She does all of this on a highly limited budget, using networking skills and frugal spending to get us all we need to run the office within the confines of few resources. She is also our only front office staff, meaning that she is the first point of contact for all incoming students, parents, faculty, staff, and community providers who reach out to the Talley Center for support or assistance. On top of this, she singlehandedly manages 11 to 12 different schedules simultaneously, keeping us all coordinated. She also helps to problem solve any IT or technical concerns, and keeps our systems up-to-date and sometimes outdated equipment running and functional. She routinely works longer than she has to getting all of this and more done for our center. For that, I feel that she deserves recognition!”

If you would like to nominate someone for the Excellent Eagle Employee award, send an email to with Excellent Eagle Employee in the Subject Line. Be sure to provide the person’s name, department and work location with the most convenient parking lot, and the reason they should be recognized.

Upcoming SAC Activities
Faculty and Staff Mixer
When: Thursday April, 7 4:30-6 p.m.
Where: Home Team Grill
Come out and enjoy the weather with some happy hour priced food and drinks with co-workers and friends! This is a great chance to gather, meet people outside of your area, finally put a face with a name and network!