On Wednesday, April 6, at 8 p.m., Joe Brooks will be performing a recital covering two different areas of percussion performance. Joe will be performing a piece that is written for two tom-toms and snare drum, as well as two marimba solos, each demonstrating different techniques. He will also be giving a brief history of the instruments that he is performing on, as well as talk about two mallet and four mallet marimba techniques.
Joe Brooks is a senior music major at the University of Mary Washington. While at UMW he has played in the Concert Band, as well as the Pep Band. In the first week of March 2015, he went on a week-long tour of Ireland with the UMW Philharmonic. When he is not performing, he is doing volunteer work around the UMW Department of Music, including ushering and stage handing for other performances.
Joe’s Senior Recital with Discussion will take place in the Pollard Recital Hall, Room 304. This is a free event.
Contact: Call or text (540) 424-7868 or email jbrooks2@mail.umw.edu