The University of Mary Washington chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa of Virginia, recently inducted 46 students into the chapter. Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest academic honor society.
Phi Beta Kappa was founded at the College of William and Mary in 1776 and has since upheld the principles of freedom of inquiry and liberty of thought and expression, sponsoring activities to advance the study of the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences. The society invites the most outstanding arts and sciences students at America’s leading colleges and universities for membership.
The UMW chapter, Kappa of Virginia, selects its members based on rigorous scrutiny of students’ academic achievements as demonstrated through grade point averages.
New members of Kappa of Virginia include:
Sara Armor
Christine Ayad
Katharine Barry
Maiah Bartlett
Amy Bonnevier
Aaron Brintzenhofe
Brian Burns
Jamie Carey
Marina Castro-Meirelles
Emily Dabbs
Rachelle Dambrose
Jacqueline DeGroat
Sarah Dickshinski
Taylor Dohmen
Seth Dorman
Richard Dragone
Peter Grap
Brittany Greene
Meredith Gregory
Juliette Guilloux
Sarah Hansen
Kristine Harner
Katherine Hatton
Jacob A. Jackson
Megan Murphy
Sean O’Hara
Jennifer Orellana
Kendall Parker
Ariel Paulk
Ariel Peldunas
Victoria Power
Daniel Reschke
Ashley Riggleson
Anna Rinko
Alexis Robinson
Thor Smalling
Karen Smith
Bailey Stewart
Heather Taylor
Hoang-Anh Ngoc Tran
Jessie Verive
Robert Wimberly
Marleigh Eure
Megan Jensen
Brittany McBride
Lily Olson