September 7, 2024

“Run Like Hale” Campus 5K Raises Money and Awareness

The first annual Run Like Hale Campus 5K was held on Sunday, April 2, 2017, raising money for the American Cancer Society. More than 30 runners participated in the event.

Wearing T-shirts proclaiming “Run Like Hale and Beat Ovarian Cancer,” the runners, including UMW President Troy Paino, set off from Ball Circle. Almost $5,000 was raised during the race and an earlier sale of T-shirts. The funds will be donated to the American Cancer Society. Molly Garthwaite, a UMW student and Writing Center consultant, designed the T-shirts and organized the race.

Gwen Hale has been the Writing Center Director for 5 years. She successfully beat ovarian cancer in the 1990s, and is once again fighting (and beating) the disease.

The Run Like Hale Campus 5K was sponsored by the Writing Center and the Student Education Association.