Volunteers Needed for New Student Orientation: New Student Orientation is coming up in June and volunteers are needed for assistance with answering questions and parking and directing students and their guests to the right locations. Last year New Student Orientation was a great success because of the UMW faculty and staff who volunteered! If you’re interested in helping, please complete this online form by Sunday, May 28. Within a week of completing the online form, you will receive an email with a link to sign up for specific shifts. If you have any questions or concerns about signing up, please contact Brittanie Haas at bhaas@umw.edu or JoAnna Raucci at jraucci@umw.edu.
Parking Decals to Expire July 1st: All Faculty/Staff decals will expire July 1, 2017. New decals are ready to be issued. Contact Parking Management at x1129 with your banner ID number to order decals, or order through Banner Self Service. Decals will be delivered to your office.
Upcoming Summer Construction Projects: Please be aware of upcoming summer construction projects on campus. For detailed information, go to http://umweagleeye.wpengine.com/2017/05/11/upcoming-summer-construction-projects/.
Excellent Eagle Employee Program: Nominate your co-workers, supervisor or employees for the Excellent Eagle Employee award. It’s easy! Just complete the Excellent Eagle Employee nomination form on our website. Take some time to nominate someone today! Winners get reserved parking on campus for the month.
#1 F.A.N. (Fantastic Action Noticed) In addition to the Excellent Eagle program, you can also recognize a colleague using HR’s #1 F.A.N. program. Did you experience exceptional customer service or awesome collaboration? If so, nominate the person or people involved in that experience. Complete the #1 F.A.N. form on the HR website, and your colleague will be able to choose a UMW spirit item as a token of appreciation.
Newsletter, Social Media and Other Information: You’ll find important information in SAC’s monthly newsletter. Check it out and find other information on our website, including a list of our new members. If you’re on Twitter, be sure to follow us @UMW_S.A.C.