Kevin Bartram, director of the University of Mary Washington Philharmonic, will speak at the general membership meeting of the Master Gardener Association of the Central Rappahannock Area (MGACRA).
The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, England Run, 806 Lyons Boulevard, in Stafford County. It is free and open to the public.
Topic: History of the Bartram family, America’s founding botanists and discoverers of the famed Franklinia tree. Bartram is also a Master Gardener and Master Tree Steward. He is a descendant of John Bartram, America’s Founding Father of Botany. Come learn about the history of this fascinating family and how they have influenced horticulture in the United States and Europe since before the American Revolution.