September 8, 2024

Six UMW Faculty Receive Waple Professorships

Six UMW faculty members have been named as the next recipients for the Waple Professorship award, recognizing their contributions to the University and earning their research funding for two years.

The recipients for the 2018-2020 Waple Professorships are:

  • Dianne Baker, Associate Professor of Biology, for her project to “Expand Ongoing Collaborative Research with Prof. Finn-Arne Weltzien at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)”
  • John Broome, Associate Professor of Education, for his research project on “Creating Mirrors, Not More Windows: Social Studies Teacher’s Perceptions of a More Racially Inclusive K-12 Curriculum”
  • Chris Foss, Professor of English, for his book project titled “The Importance of being Different: Intersectional Disability and the Emotional Response in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales”
  • Leonard Koos, Associate Professor of French, for his book project titled “Une Drôle d’Occupation: Conformity, Dissidence, and Popular Culture in France, 1940-1944”
  • Steve Farnsworth, Professor of Political Science, for his book project titled “Late Night Political Humor and the Trump Presidency”
  • Margaret Ray, Professor of Economics, for her project “Supporting Student Success in Introductory Economics courses.”

Named after UMW alum Shirley Van Epps Waple ’52, the professorship honors excellence in teaching, research and scholarship across various disciplines at the university. This award was established after the death of Waple in September 2010, who gifted the university with a $2.5 million amount from her estate. This donation is one of the largest single contributions dedicated to supporting academics at the university and provides faculty experts the chance to produce new, vital knowledge for their department.

About Marty Morrison