July 26, 2024

Sharpless and Laszakovits Paper Best of 2017

A paper published last year by chemistry professor and chair Charlie Sharpless, former student Julie Laszakovits and co-workers at the University of St. Thomas has been named one of the four best papers of 2017 by the editors of the American Chemical Society (ACS) journal, Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Authors of the award-winning paper, UMW graduate Julie Laszakovits, and Chemistry Professor and Chair Charlie Sharpless at the 2016 spring meeting of the ACS in San Diego.

Authors of the award-winning paper, UMW graduate Julie Laszakovits and Chemistry Professor and Chair Charlie Sharpless, at the 2016 spring meeting of the ACS in San Diego.

The announcement of the award was made at the 255th annual meeting of the ACS in New Orleans in March and in a recent editorial. The paper, which you can read here, developed an approach to correcting errors in published methods for measuring sunlight intensity with chemical systems.

Awards for Best Papers are based on “the quality of the science, the impact of the findings, and the overall level of interest of our readers based on many factors, including downloads, news stories, [and] citations.”

Julie Lazsakovits graduated from UMW in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Environmental Engineering at the Ohio State University.