September 12, 2024

Margaret Sutton: Face to Face Exhibition Opens Thursday

Margaret Sutton: Face to Face, an exhibition curated by Art Professor Marjorie Och’s ARTH 317: Laboratory in Museum Studies class, will open Thursday, April 19 with a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. in the HCC Convergence Gallery of Simpson Library. The opening reception is from 5:00 to 7:00 pm and is free and open to the public.

The exhibition is made up of a drawings by Sutton, a 1926 graduate of the State Teacher’s College, now the University of Mary Washington. Sutton was a prolific artist, and most of her drawings, paintings and correspondence is in the collection of UMW Galleries.

Students in Professor Och’s Laboratory in Museum Studies have curated an exhibition from this extraordinary archive. The works span much of Sutton’s career, from 1936 through the 1970s, decades of remarkable developments in American art centered in New York City, Sutton’s home for this entire period.

Sutton studied at the Art Student League, but also studied textile, drafting and engineering. Her interests in science, psychology, philosophy, music, religion and travel to Europe inspired Sutton’s original style.

This exhibition is made possible with support from the Department of Art and Art History, UMW Galleries, the Museum Studies Program, Simpson Library, the Convergence Gallery, Alfred Levitt, and the students in ARTH 317.