September 8, 2024

Register for Early Bird Fitness and Lunch Time Yoga

Campus Recreation invites you participate in Early Bird Fitness Sessions and Lunchtime Yoga:

Early Bird Fitness Session
Dates: Oct. 22 – Dec. 7
Meeting Times: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:30am-7:15am
Location: Goolrick Studio 5
Cost: $30
Description: This fitness program is only available to faculty/staff and their secondary cardholders. The class focuses on strength training on Tuesdays and cardio training on Thursdays, both taught by fitness instructors who have been leading class like this for 10+ years. There are showers and a towel service available in case going home to shower isn’t an option.
Register: under Faculty/Staff Offerings (“Log In”, click the blue button “NetID and Password” to sign in with your UMW credentials.)

Lunchtime Yoga
Session Dates: Oct. 22 – Dec. 7
Meeting Times: Mondays& Fridays, 12:00-12:50pm
Location: Goolrick Studio 5
Cost: $30
Description: This yoga class is only available to faculty/staff & their secondary cardholders. The class is a wonderful opportunity to take a mental break during your day and stretch out those muscles. Bill Brooks, the instructor, has been practicing yoga for over 20 years.
Register: under Faculty/Staff Offerings (“Log In”, click the blue button “NetID and Password” to sign in with your UMW credentials.)