September 10, 2024

Student Affairs Pros Recognize UMW’s ‘Rock Star’ President

University of Mary Washington colleagues have long known how committed President Troy D. Paino is to the student experience – and to the faculty and staff who work day in and day out to make it the best it can be.

UMW President Troy Paino
UMW President Troy Paino

Now, student affairs professionals throughout the Southeastern United States are spreading the news. NASPA, the organization of student affairs administrators in higher education, will recognize Paino with its Region III President’s Award for 2022 during a summer symposium in Charleston, South Carolina, June 12-15.

“This prestigious award signifies that your fellow student affairs colleagues value the contributions you are making in the field,” awards committee co-chairs Stephen M. Howard and Nicholas Hudson wrote in an email informing Paino of the honor. “It also exemplifies your hard work within the profession, your institution and NASPA Region III.”

In supporting Paino’s nomination for the recognition, UMW Vice President for Student Affairs Juliette Landphair emphasized the president’s compassionate approach to strategic planning and decision-making and pointed out, “He is, above all, a student-centered leader.” Read more.