September 8, 2024

Humanities Symposium Highlights Faculty-Student Research

Students participate in UMW's first ever Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Institute.

Students participate in UMW’s first ever Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Institute.

Mentored undergraduate research has long been a staple of the summer for UMW students in science and mathematical fields. Now arts, humanities and social sciences students are reaping the benefits as well.

The first Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Institute (AHSSSI) concluded yesterday with a symposium during which five teams presented the results of their monthlong research projects. The event, beginning at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, in the Digital Auditorium of the Hurley Convergence Center, is open to the public.

The program is modeled on UMW’s Summer Science Institute, now in its 23rd year. Like the science institute, the AHSSSI provides a framework for intense scholarly inquiry into a specific topic proposed by a faculty mentor. Read more.