September 9, 2024

UMW Police Department Reaccredited; Chief Hall Recognized

UMW Police Lt. Bill Gill and Chief Michael Hall receive the certificate of accreditation at a recent ceremony. At left is Jackson Miller, director of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, and at right is Robert Mosier, Virginia secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security.

UMW Police Lt. Bill Gill and Chief Michael Hall receive the certificate of accreditation at a recent ceremony. At left is Jackson Miller, director of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services, and at right is Robert Mosier, Virginia secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security.

The University of Mary Washington Police Department was recently recognized for its overall professionalism and for the notable work of its leader, Chief Michael Hall.

This month the department was reaccredited for four more years by the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC), which assesses agency operations for efficiency and effectiveness.

And Hall, the University’s chief law enforcement officer, has been named to the executive board of the Virginia Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (VACLEA). That’s the organization of police and public safety agencies primarily responsible for the safety and security of Virginia colleges and universities.

Accreditation is a labor-intensive undertaking that considers a department’s administration, operations, personnel, and training. Independent auditors consider departments’ adherence to about 190 standards recognized as best practices. Read more.