Dear UMW Colleagues,
In recognition of Commonwealth employees’ dedicated service so far in 2023, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has permitted a half-day of leave. While many agencies granted the leave for Friday, April 7, we have decided to offer it the week following Commencement so our University’s essential services and academic mission continue at this critical time of the year.
Employees will have four hours of leave that can be used the week after Commencement, from Tuesday, May 9, through Sunday, May 14, in coordination with their supervisor. Note that Monday, May 8, also is a UMW holiday for Employee Appreciation Day.
Employees are encouraged to begin working with their supervisors to plan their time off as soon as possible. Note, this four-hour holiday may only be used May 9 thru May 14, 2023.
How to Log the Leave:
To use this leave, you must enter a time off request in MyTime using the pay code Floating Holiday. In the Time Unit section choose Hours, then enter the time of day you plan to start your leave. In Daily Amount enter up to 4.0 and click Submit. The leave may be used incrementally over several days from 5/9-5/14 or as a lump sum for one day, as approved by your supervisor.
Once submitted, the time off request is ready for supervisor approval. Once approved, the floating holiday will populate on the timecard.
If you’ve already requested leave during the week of 5/9 to 5/14 and would like to replace some of the leave with the floating holiday hours, you’ll need to submit a cancelation of the previous leave request, then enter a new leave request that includes the 4 hours of Floating Holiday.
Note that Monday, May 8, also is a UMW holiday for Employee Appreciation Day.
Lynda Worthy
Payroll Manager
University of Mary Washington
Phone 540-654-1045