At the Stress Free Zone this week, students found more than just crafts and snacks–they found pets.
Diesel(pictured left), a cane corso mastiff, has been a therapy dog for four years. He also has been seen at Mary Washington Hospital, the Marine Corps Marathon and Wounded Warriors events like the Polar Plunge. This is the first year that the therapeutic dogs have visited the Stress Free Zone.
Graduate assistant Whitney Hanlin said the dogs’ presence doubled the number of students who attended the event from last year.
The Stress Free Zone is sponsored annually by the Office of Student Activities and Engagement.
There, students had the options of tie-dying T-shirts, coloring, doing crafts, snacking on cookies, crackers and gummy candy, and playing with the dogs from the Rappahannock Area Comfort Canines.
“It’s just a way to support our students,” said graduate assistant Meg DeMaria. “We just want to make this week as easy as possible for them.”