May 5, 2024

John McIntyre: Food for Thought

As the resident dining director at UMW, John McIntyre runs a tight ship – a tight, large ship with lots of moving parts. He attributes his discipline and leadership skills to his military service prior to joining UMW in 2011.

Resident dining director John McIntyre joined UMW in 2011.

Resident dining director John McIntyre joined UMW in 2011.

He constantly pushes himself and his staff to do better. And he always strives to provide the best possible customer service. That includes gearing up for UMW’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner for students from 5 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at the Top of the UC.

Campus Dining is expecting about 1,700 student guests that evening and can still use staff and faculty volunteers to help serve roast turkey, baked ham and all the trimmings. (President Paino will be there dishing out food!)

Volunteers are asked to serve for one hour during the following times: 4:45 p.m., 5:45 p.m. or 6:45 p.m. All volunteers get their Thanksgiving dinner free. To sign up or get more information, contact Campus Dining at 540-654-2165 or e-mail

Q: Why is UMW’s Thanksgiving meal important to students?
A: We want to give them the experience of that home-cooked meal. We want to give them a feeling of being home, to remind them of grandmother’s sweet potato pie or mom’s glazed ham or turkey.

Q: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving Day dish?
A: I like bread stuffing with cranberry. Just something about that mix. It’s my weakness.

Q: Do you have a favorite food or food station at the Top of the UC?
A: I’m a pescatarian. Usually I like the soups. I mostly eat fruit and stuff from the salad bar and the sustenance station.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
A: When customers come in and they have a clean environment, the food is good, and their dining experience was good. If I can get that 100 percent of the time, I feel like I’ve done my job.

Q: Any advice for students, faculty and staff trying to eat healthy?
A: Check out the vegan station and Simple Servings. They have some very good healthy options.

Q: What’s one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?
A: I’m very disciplined, so I think my staff would be surprised that I like dancing.

Q: What’s your favorite song to dance to?
A: “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” by Michael Jackson.

Q: Do you have any mottos you live by?
A: Dedication, discipline, and desire. I think those three things have helped me be successful in anything I attempt to do. I try to keep the fire burning in all three.