April 28, 2024

Staff Advisory Council Meets Feb. 21

The Staff Advisory Council (S.A.C.) will hold its first meeting Monday, February 21 from 3 to 5 p.m. in Chandler Hall, room 304.  The Council will meet on a regular basis, generally every month except during the summer.  

If you have input or concerns, please contact a S.A.C. member. At the moment, items for the S.A.C. agenda and for discussion need to be transmitted to the S.A.C. by a member of the Council.  In the future, we hope to revise the bylaws to include a process for public comment during the meetings. 

The purpose of the Staff Advisory Council is to “serve as a representative body for wage, classified and administrative staff and to act in an advisory capacity to the University administration.”  The Council members will bring staff ideas and concerns to the President and University leadership.

For more information, visit the Staff Advisory Council website at http://sac.umwblogs.org

Sabrina C. Johnson, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and AAEE0

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.