September 7, 2024

Summer Enrichment Program Serves High-Schoolers a Slice of College Life

Students turned an unusual array of objects – a puffy pink pony, a giant nose, one wooden hoop – into charcoal sketches at the University of Mary Washington earlier this week. “Awesome stuff, guys,” Assistant Professor of Painting and Drawing Ashe Laughlin said of the rising 10th- through 12th-graders’ still-life creations. “Really terrific!” More than […]

UMW Summer Camp Gives High School Students a Glimpse of College Life

Holding tight to a video camera aimed at his face, high school junior Simon Young became a blur of motion earlier this month, whirling on a whimsical stool in the University of Mary Washington’s Hurley Convergence Center. The experience and its result – a panoramic portrayal of Simon’s dizzying ride on the curious chair – […]

Summer Enrichment Program, Faculty/Staff Discount

Summer Enrichment Program now accepting applications.

Summer Enrichment Program now accepting applications.

UMW is now accepting applications for the Summer Enrichment program. Children of UMW faculty and staff get a 50% discount on tuition.

This program, designed for advanced middle and high school students, offers a variety of courses, including: Popular Music Analysis, Immunology, Film Studies, Digital Storytelling, Music Production, and SAT Prep.

Residential applications for the summer sessions are due May 1, 2014 and non-residential applications are due June 1, 2014. For more information, visit