All employees are asked to check their UMW parking permit decal – if you have a decal that expired in July, 2010 you need to request a new decal.
Updating your information and requesting your complimentary parking decal is easy and can be accomplished 24/7 from the comfort of your office or home – there is no need to go to Brent Hall and wait for window service.
Parking permit decals for employees are issued free of charge and you may have one for each vehicle you bring to campus on a regular basis.
Via EagleNet, select the Banner Self Service tab.
Once the page opens, select Personal Information and from the drop down list select parking management system.
Click on ‘purchase a parking permit.’ Remember, although the terminology reads “purchase” we do not charge employees for parking permits.
This will bring up a table with all the vehicles you currently have registered with the UMW Parking Services Division.
Select the tab at the bottom of the page titled “continue.”
Under “select the type of permit to purchase” select “Faculty/staff $0.00” from the drop down list. For the majority of employees, this will be the only selection available on the drop down list. Then, select continue at the bottom of the page.
The next screen you see allows you to update your vehicle listing. You may select the vehicles which you wish to register and you may also add new vehicles to the listing.
Your new decals will be sent to your office via campus mail.
If you have vehicles you wish to delete from the list or if you have questions regarding the process in general please contact Mr. David Sing, Parking Services Supervisor, at x1129 or via email to
Thanks for this great info! I needed new decals and this article saved me a lot of time.