July 26, 2024

Weight Watchers at Work

Since March of 2010, Laura T. Allison has lost 30 pounds. She’s shed her “fat girl jeans” and proudly shares her secret.

Weight Watchers at Work.

“It was a life changing moment,” Laura, assistant controller for compliance in the Office of Business and Finance, said of the date she joined. “I began to change my lifestyle through activity and smarter food choices. Weight Watchers is not a diet by any means. It’s about making smarter choices while still enjoying the foods you love.”

Laura is a among a growing number of the UMW family who have joined Weight Watchers at Work (WW@W), which meets each Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. at Woodard Campus Center’s Red Room.

Since the program came to the Fredericksburg campus in October 2009, UMW employees have shed 1,350 pounds. Two colleagues have lost more than 100 pounds; 16 have dropped 10 percent of their starting weight and six have reached their lifetime weight goals.

Join these “losers” and sport a slimmer figure for the warm weather. And save money in the process. As a state employee, you may be eligible for 50 percent reimbursement on a WW@W membership.

A new session begins April 27, but you are welcome to check out a meeting for free on Wednesday, April 13 or 20.

Can’t make the meeting, but would like more information?

Contact:  Pam Taggert (ptaggert@umw.edu <mailto:ptaggert@umw.edu> ) 654-1018 or Joan Greco-WW leader (joangreco65@yahoo.com <mailto:joangreco65@yahoo.com> )

“I genuinely look forward to our WW@W meetings every week,” Laura said. “It’s extremely convenient, and you can use your lunch hour to attend…but it’s the group members that make it worthwhile. The group doesn’t consist of co-workers, it consists of friends.”

About Marty Morrison


  1. Anna Billingsley says

    Way to go, Laura!

  2. Lori Klopp says

    Congratulations! And very inspiring, I’ll be joining the next session. 🙂

  3. Godd going Laura! I’m 8lbs behind you.

  4. Linda Thornton says

    Congratulations Laura! I lost with Weight Watchers too and have been at my lifetime weight goal for a year. It’s a great program. I wasn’t in the WW@W program. I went to the meetings after work at Eagle Village. It was very convenient. The state employee discount applies there as well.