July 26, 2024

President Hurley Delivers Commencement Address in Athens Greece

Rick and Rose Hurley traveled to Greece in June where Rick delivered the commencement address at American Community Schools of Athens www.acs.gr . Fifty-six of the school’s 90 graduates plan to attend U. S. universities in the fall. Four members of the class of 2011 have been accepted at UMW, and two have sent deposits. UMW has an agreement with ACS to accept some of the school’s International Baccalaureate classes for credit here.

The Hurleys became friends with ACS President Stefanos Gialamas and his wife Sophia while both Rick and Stefanos were serving on the Board of Directors of the American Association of University Administrators in 1999. Their professional and personal relationship flourished as both men assumed roles of increasing responsibility. Stefanos will be a featured speaker at the Inauguration Ceremony on September 30.

About Brynn Boyer

Brynn Boyer is assistant director of media and public relations and a 2010 graduate of UMW.


  1. Carolyn Chewning says

    What an opportunity for us to actually see/hear this international graduation ceremony. The speaches were inspiring and the future opportunities for ACS and UMW are exciting! Thanks Rick for making this possible. 🙂