Dickens at 200: Still relevant after all these years; http://www.bellinghamherald.com; http://www.bradenton.com; http://www.mcclatchydc.com; http://www.timescolonist.com; http://www.thewiiproject.com; http://news.techwacky.net; http://www.nola.com; http://www.thespec.com; http://www.shreveporttimes.com; http://www.onlinesentinel.com; http://www.kjonline.com; http://newsbriefus.info; http://www.silobreaker.com; http://annistonstar.newspaperdirect.com; http://www.pressdisplay.com; http://www.tulsaworld.com
As we mark the bicentennial of Charles Dickens’ birth (Feb. 7), the most fitting tribute we can offer to the man, who first wrote and became famous under the pen name “Boz,” is to examine the ways in which his work still speaks to our lives.