September 8, 2024

Update on State General Assembly Budget

Dear Colleagues: 

I am writing to update you on the state budget passed by the General Assembly on April 18, 2012 for the next biennium (7/1/2012 – 6/30/ 2014).  While still needing approval from the Governor, very little is expected to change. In particular, here are some highlights of actions affecting the University of Mary Washington: 

  • 3% bonus for faculty and staff:  Funding for a bonus of up to 3% effective December 1, 2012, has been approved contingent upon available state revenues.  The bonus may be prorated downward based on the actual level of revenue balances. 
  • 2% permanent pay increase for faculty and staff:  Funding for a permanent salary increase effective July 10, 2013, has been approved contingent upon state revenue collections.  A pay increase will be provided if there are no downward revisions to the state general fund estimates prepared prior to the start of the 2012 General Assembly and, if within 5 days of the 2012-13 state year-end close, a revenue re-forecast is not required. 
  • New state operating budget support:  The state budget includes a permanent increase of $1.1 million to offset base operating costs, to support in-state enrollment growth and retention and for support of academic programs in sciences, math and computer science. 
  • Dahlgren operating budget:  Additional state funding of $650,000 has been recommended for 2012-13 to annualize the operating budget for the Dahlgren Education and Research Center.  This brings total state support to $1,900,000, which is anticipated to decline as the Center generates revenue from other sources, including classroom and facilities rental opportunities. 
  • Student financial assistance:  The budget includes an increase of $25,447 in state funding to support need-based aid for undergraduate students.  
  • Renovation of Woodard and Mercer Halls:  The state budget authorizes the university to move forward with detailed planning for the renovation of these two buildings, which will provide permanent space for departments currently located in Chandler Hall. 
  • Jepson Science Center Addition:  The state budget identifies the Jepson Science Center Addition as “next on the list” for funds for planning once the current group of state projects in the planning phase move to construction.  This is a major positive step in the state capital outlay process in moving this project forward. 

I hope this summary is helpful.  A more detailed report may be found on the Budget Office webpage at: 

Richard R. Pearce

Vice President for Administration and Finance and CFO

University of Mary Washington

1301 College Avenue

Fredericksburg, VA  22401

(540) 654-1020

(540) 654-1162 (fax)