Dear Colleagues:
Beginning Monday, May 14, campus walk on the north side of the Simpson Library will be closed. All pedestrian and handicapped traffic will be detoured to College Avenue. Signs will be provided to remind everyone of the new travel patterns.
Sidewalks and stairways within the construction site and a portion of Campus Walk will be removed to facilitate underground utility work involving water, sewer, electrical, and telecommunication lines. Additional work commencing next week includes demolition of the bridge in front of Arrington Hall and the removal of some of the existing landscaping within the construction site.
Work in the temporary construction access road is continuing. Expansion of handicapped parking spaces to be located between the Jepson Science Center and the new building has also begun. As soon as this work is finished, new asphalt covering will be applied to all road and parking surfaces. The Simpson Library access road (which has been partially torn up due to some utility work) will also receive a new asphalt coat.
Major ground breaking for the project is set for middle to late June. Work on the foundation for the new building will start at that time.
For updates on the project, refer to this link:
Richard R. Pearce
Vice President for Administration and Finance and CFO
University of Mary Washington
1301 College Avenue
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 654-1020
(540) 654-1162 (fax)